I'm from New Orleans, but I'm in CA right now. Should I move back? Now?
2006-01-12 01:13:01 UTC
The hurricane has forced me to move all around the country, until I settled in L.A. I'm repairing my destroyed house bit by bit. I lost, car, job, possessions. Do I move home now, or wait to see how things progress? I'm afraid to get TOO involved in job, apartment, friends, ect.

I think I know what I want to do, but I'm not sure it's the right thing.

Advice? Thanks :)
Five answers:
Cosmic I
2006-01-13 14:16:05 UTC
Come home. Depending on where your property is, the government may soon be able to seize it and turn it into a park. You will get about half of its value. Some neighborhoods will be razed if not enough people return. Besides, Mardi Gras is coming up soon. And, yeah, crawfish season. But decide fast, they are talking about a moratorium on building permits and without one, you'd be screwed. Come on back home. Restaurants are reopening, Hubig's Pies are on sale again, the beignets are still good, Port of Call is packed every night. Come home.
2006-01-12 16:06:04 UTC
I'm in New Orleans now and I would say that there's no reason to stay away from the area if you can find a place to live (FEMA trailer?) and can find a job. Housing is in very short supply, especially in Orleans Parish, as you can imagine.

I would advise against spending major $ on fixing up your house as the city is considering putting a moratorium on building in certain areas. See "City Planning Final Report" here:

Besides, crawfish season starts soon.
2006-01-14 06:50:32 UTC
I would be conserative. First of all sorry about your losses. Regroup, build some $$$$$ and return when you are ready. NOLA will always be home, the state has suffered and it will take years to rebuild. Give it six months at a time.

Continue to rebuild your home. I'm sure there is a demand for rental housing if its habitable. Good Luck Friend.

I also have a home in St Landry Parish and the entire state has suffered.
right field
2006-01-12 12:37:45 UTC
Well, we are in a 20 year cycle of these hurricanes. Also,the damage done by them to the marshes and swamps means that flooding will happen more easily. So dont move back right away unless you hope for another stroke of luck to survive. For now, try to settle down somewhere you won't mind being in for a while.
2006-01-12 20:10:47 UTC
whoa! better stay right where you are. i used to live in L.A. sunny climate and sprawling city geography, i also lived in baton rouge for a short time, you cant compare LA with new orleans

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