Is it a good time to go to New Orelans? For a 4 day vacattion?
2006-01-24 04:44:17 UTC
Is it a good time to go to New Orelans? For a 4 day vacattion?
Six answers:
2006-01-24 04:56:09 UTC
If you want to have fun, learn some history, meet some interesting people, AND use your vacation dollars to not only enjoy yourself, but also help some good people who have been through hell, then the answer is YES! If I were in a position to plan a vacation at this time, I wouldn't even consider other destinations because I know so many are staying away from New Orleans. What a wonderful opportunity to be of service to others just by having some fun. Now about Mardi Gras. Lots of people enjoy this festival. I would not. I would prefer to go when crowds are not so large and wild. Even if you do not drink (I don't), New Orleans has a lot to offer.
2006-01-24 12:47:56 UTC
There is still not much happening down in New Orleans, though there are still some military personnel, FEMA, and construction/debris removal people. Bourbon Street is open as is Jackson Square, but a lot of the businesses still remained closed. To experience New Orleans to the fullest, you should plan on going when there are lots of people there. Mardi Gras is coming up and they are planning to hold that in New Orleans.
2006-01-27 22:49:16 UTC
yes, my family and i were down there just over christmas break, and nop it doesn't look like it says on the news they only put sections of louisiana and show the same things. some places still don't have electricity, like lakeview and the gentilly area. metarie and other areas do though! most restaurants close at 9 though. no you cannot just go into a store and "steal" it is still illegal and the places won't allow you, because they are still trying to get over the fact of hurricane katrina, because they aren't getting a lot of money, so don't believe ProZack
2006-01-24 12:50:13 UTC
hey I hear u can get lotsa free stuff down there, I hear the stores just let you walk in and take anything you want.
2006-01-24 12:53:58 UTC
ya i think so!at least u can go vacation better than stay at home....LOL
2006-01-24 12:45:51 UTC
as long as you have the money

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