Who is from New Orleans?
2006-02-17 14:47:07 UTC
I am I just recently moved! Now I live in North Carolina!
Six answers:
2006-02-18 18:51:18 UTC
wut up chic, im from new orleans myself. I know exactly wut u going through. I want to go back but the rent is too high now. I owned my own home but it was knocked over by the barge during the lst levee breach in the 9th ward. Now im 12+ hours away living in a prejudice a#$ city. Pray for me and I will pray for u. And anyone else reading this who is from new orleans keep ur head up, because we will b bac n the N.O. tearing it down at the block parties and seconds lines. Yall betta believe it. Holla back!!
Cosmic I
2006-02-17 22:48:45 UTC
Hey, girl...come back home. We need y'all here to help rebuild. Mardi Gras is coming, Jazz Fest just announced its lineup for this year, and Hubig Pies are on sale again. Come home. Aren't you going to miss crawfish season and king cakes?
2006-02-17 22:50:27 UTC
I am. Thanks to Katrina I'm stuck in Houston. But it's not so bad here althogh I do miss Po` Boys and King Cake. Oooh! And hot sausage.
2006-02-18 17:13:31 UTC
I know how you feel. I had to move to texas because of katrina. But I get to move back soon.
2006-02-18 16:58:24 UTC
i'm on the northshore... hope everyone will be able to come back soon. i miss you all .. this will only make us stronger
2006-02-18 03:24:31 UTC
im here in **** hole bakersfield ca miss the city too.

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